Important questions to get you started

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Do you want to deploy Casablanca?


If you need an MSI please contact support(at) If you wish to deploy it via Intune you can use the arguments /VERYSILENT/LANG=language


System requirements and operating modes


HighPerformance Mode und High Quality Mode:

When you start Casablanca, the operating modethat is best tailored to the hardware of your device is automatically selected:

  • If your device only meets the minimum requirements , high performance mode will be activated so that Casablanca still runs smoothly.
  • On devices that meet the recommended requirements , Casablanca automatically selects High Quality mode , which, for example, enables a sharper image and better colour accuracy.

Which camera input is Casablanca compatible with?


In general, Casablanca can be used with any external camera source ( However, at the current stage of development, Casablanca is notdesigned to correct eye contact and head orientation for previously recordedvideos via emulator programs and machines or similar. If your program orexternal source does not work with Casablanca, your case is unfortunately notyet supported. However, we are constantly working to ensure the compatibilityof Casablanca for an even wider range of inputs and to develop workarounds, if necessary.


How to quickly turn off Casablanca in video calls?


If you want to use your camera without thecorrected video output from Casablanca, changing your camera source in videoconferencing program settings can sometimes be a tedious process. A quicker wayis to switch your video output in the Casablanca application.

a. Click on the Casablanca logo in your taskbar at the bottom of your screen to open the Casablanca application.

b. Click on the eye symbol in the bottom left corner of the application and change your view to "Source image". Now, your uncorrected video will be displayed in the video call you are in. If you want to enable Casablanca again afterwards, your previous settings will of course be retained if you have not closed Casablanca in the meantime.