In Videocalls fehlt Blickkontakt

Casablanca bringt ihn zurück


Blickkontakt ist wichtig

Blickkontakt ist wichtig für uns Menschen: Mehr Vertrauen, mehr Aufmerksamkeit, mehr Vertriebserfolg, 23% höhere Produktivität bei Teamarbeit. Kein Wunschdenken, sondern durch wissenschaftliche Studien erwiesen.

Casablanca bringt natürlichen Blickkontakt zurück in Ihre Videocalls, rein durch Software. So als hätten Sie eine kleine Kamera mitten auf dem Bildschirm – nur ohne die störende Kamera. Und es funktioniert in Zoom, Teams, und allen gängigen Videotools.

No Workflow Changes needed

Casablanca works for Videoconferencing, Broadcasting and Streaming

App screenshot

Don't believe the Hype?

Hear what other Experts say about Casablanca

"I think it's a great idea and I'm sure that these details will make all the difference in the near future!"

Céline Flores Willers

CEO @ The People Branding Company

"I like how the head and eye movement and expressiveness is retained, No reason not to have this active all the time."

Jonas Andrulis

CEO @ Aleph Alpha

"Great Idea. We are all constantly having Videocalls and think about where to look at during them. This is a huge leap."

Nicole Hoffmeister-Kraut

Minister @ State of Baden-Württemberg

"Video conferencing is clearly the future of private and business communication. It will be significantly improved by real face-to-face communication."

Carsten Kraus

Member @ Forbes Technology Council

"Without eye contact, humans perceive each other as less likeable. This makes it difficult to build trust. However, that is what can be decisive for success in business meetings."

Dr. Katharina von Knop

CEO @ Digital Trust

"Without eye contact, humans perceive each other as less likeable. This makes it difficult to build trust. However, that is what can be decisive for success in business meetings."

Dr. Katharina von Knop

CEO @ Digital Trust

Key Features

What Casablanca does and how it keeps you authentic

AI Gaze Correction

With Casablanca, you establish and hold authentic Gaze Contact. From now on, you'll always have Digital Conversations with Natural Eye Contact.

AI Head Alignment

Multiple Screens and challenging Camera Angles will display your Head tilted or turned in Video Calls. Casablanca frontalizes your entire Head to position you ideally in Calls.

Natural Gaze Breaking

Casablanca only establishes Eye Contact while you are focussed on who you are talking to. When you look away in real life, Casablanca also visibly breaks your Gaze.

Connection & Trust Building

Gaze Contact triggers your Brain to build trust with another Human. Without it, your Performance in Digital Meetings will suffer significantly.

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